SCOUT PATCH – this is a HIDDEN PAGE just for magic camp magicians – please do not share.
You tell your audience that you’ve just recently earned your “MAGIC SCOUT PREDICTOR PATCH” and would like to show your mad-skills off. You draw the numbers 1-16 in a grid pattern on a piece of paper. Your volunteers are then allowed to eliminate numbers, one at a time. When you have four numbers left, you add them together. Magically… the numbers TOTAL – 34 – which is embroidered on your scout patch right next to the magic hat!
This is actually math magic! It’s called a MAGIC SQUARE (there are many versions of Magic Squares). But this is a really great one! The total of the final four numbers (if you’ve eliminated correctly) will always be 34. It’s kind-of-a-magician’s-force. If you eliminate all the numbers ABOVE, BELOW, SIDE TO SIDE – LEFT, and SIDE TO SIDE – RIGHT… stopping when FOUR numbers are left… the total of these FOUR numbers will – ALWAYS – be the number 34.
Draw a grid with 16 squares. Starting in the upper left corner and moving right write the numbers 1-16 the in the squares. One number in each square. See picture.

Say, “this is my MAGIC SCOUT PREDICTOR PATCH.” Show it quickly and place it FACE DOWN on the table (or in someone’s hand). Now say to your audience, “we’re going to choose some numbers.”

Speaking to the first volunteer. “Please choose a number 1-16, and say it out loud”. When they say the number out loud (let’s say it’s 7), you CIRCLE the number 7, and say, “now we eliminate all numbers ABOVE”, (draw a line from the circle around 7 through all the numbers above). “We eliminate all numbers side to side.” (draw a line through all numbers to the right of 7). “We eliminate all numbers side to side.” (draw a line through all numbers to the left of 7). “We eliminate all numbers below.” (draw a line through all numbers below 7.)

Speaking to the second volunteer. “Now please choose any number that does not have a circle around it, or a line through it.” Let’s say they say, 10. You now CIRCLE the number 10, and say, “now we eliminate all numbers ABOVE”, (draw a line from the circle around 10 through all the numbers above). “We eliminate all numbers side to side.” (draw a line through all numbers to the right of 10). “We eliminate all numbers side to side.” (draw a line through all numbers to the left of 10). “We eliminate all numbers below.” (draw a line through all numbers below 10.)

Speaking to the third volunteer. “Now please choose any number that does not have a circle around it, or a line through it.” Let’s say they say, 13. You now CIRCLE the number 13, and say, “now we eliminate all numbers ABOVE”, (draw a line from the circle around 13 through all the numbers above). “We eliminate all numbers side to side.” (draw a line through all numbers to the right of 13). “We eliminate all numbers side to side.” (draw a line through all numbers to the left of 13). “We eliminate all numbers below.” (draw a line through all numbers below 13.)

Special note… there will NOW ONLY BE ONE NUMBER with out a circle or line through it LEFT on the square. Speaking to the fourth volunteer. “Now please choose any number that does not have a circle around it, or a line through it.” Let’s say they say, 4. You now CIRCLE the number 4, and say, “now we eliminate all numbers ABOVE”, (draw a line from the circle around 4 through all the numbers above). “We eliminate all numbers side to side.” (draw a line through all numbers to the right of 4). “We eliminate all numbers side to side.” (draw a line through all numbers to the left of 4). “We eliminate all numbers below.” (draw a line through all numbers below 4.)

Now say, “Okay four different people have chosen four different numbers, lets total them up and see what the sum is…”. Total the numbers. Say, “it’s 34, but that’s really no surprise, I made a magic prediction on my MAGIC SCOUT PATCH. Please turn it over.”
Turn it over and reveal the predicted number (which is embroidered on the patch) is 34.
Bow and say, “thank you. You rock!”
To see VIDEO of the SCOUT PATCH – MAGIC SQUARE magic trick, check out this link.
Steve Trash