Alabama Academy of Magic Helping grow amazing kids into even more amazing adults.

Green & Yellow M&M’s

Every arrival at MAGIC CAMP is special, but Ella and Bryn’s arrival… was… well… extra special.

I’m a shutterbug. I’ve shot photos my whole life (well – for as long as I can remember). Back “in the day” I could even process my own black and white film and print pics as well.

I inherited my grandfather’s collection of camera’s (very good ones) when I was pretty young.

I actually began shooting on twin-lens box cameras. Do you know how difficult it is to shoot a football game looking down at an upside down image?

Yeah… I do.

But, I love shooting pics. It’s a thing with me. I like the “moment”, I like reliving the “moment” later, I like creating the composition, I like deciding what’s interesting enough to shoot. I like everything about it.

I shot a lot of pics at my recent River City Magic Camp

Arrival at Magic Camp was always special.

I try to be out front to greet the kids as they are dropped off at curbside. This seems to give the parents some assurance that they are dropping off their kids with a Gandolph” rather than a “Sauron” the Evil Wizard.

This makes sense to me.

So I’d be there as the kids arrived. Nikki, and Alex, and Jaycee and I had so much fun greeting the arriving magicians.

My FAVORITE arrival was the day… Ella and Bryn showed up.

They’d been instructed to wear a costume. Most kids chose… magic themed costumes (some were just terrific)… but others did not.

So… Ella and Bryn showed up as M&M’s. Yes… a green one and a yellow one. I laughed so hard.

And I loved it.

There are days… my job is really hot, frustrating, stressful, disappointing, long, but then… there are also days that my job is the best thing I can possibly imagine…. Ella and Bryn arriving as M&M’s was one of those.
