Alabama Academy of Magic Helping grow amazing kids into even more amazing adults.



We’ve learned that your child has talent, imagination, and the potential to be truly amazing!

He/She has been selected to attend RIVER CITY MAGIC CAMP in Florence, Alabama – FREE OF CHARGE.

We’ve arranged a sponsor to cover the $260 registration fee.

So, your child, can attend – no charge to you.

All you have to do is get them there!

Magic Camp is at the FLORENCE-LAUDERDALE COLISEUM in Florence, Alabama this summer.

It’s four mornings in a row.  Wed. through Sat. July 12-15, 2023.  River City Magic Camp is lots of fun for 8-12 year old kids from all over The Shoals. We have magic themed games, lots of learning, lots of laughter, lots of making new friends, and more!

Learning Magic Tricks is an excellent way to grow a child’s self-confidence, improve communication skills, and even develop greater empathy.

He/She will bring home an official ALABAMA ACADEMY OF MAGIC BAG filled with HIGH QUALITY MAGIC TRICKS, a VIP KEY CARD PASSwith private online access to MORE magic trick instructional videos, an official – DISCOVER MAGIC – MAGIC WAND, and much more!

To make all this happen we need you to do two things.

ONE – make sure your child has transportation to the Florence – Lauderdale Coliseum – 702 Veterans Drive, Florence, AL 35630 (you are welcome to stay and watch)

RIVER CITY MAGIC CAMP – times and dates

Wednesday July 12th, 2023 – camp starts at 8:30am and ends at 11:30am

Thursday July 13th, 2023 – camp starts at 8:30am and ends at 11:30am

Friday July 14th, 2023 – camp starts at 8:30am and ends at 11:30am

Saturday July 15th, 2023 – camp starts at 9:30 am and ends at 12:30pm (if possible, please come AND watch your kid do a MAGIC SHOW on THIS DAY – it will be fun).

TWO – please email me – Principal Casteel – at  and let me know you WANT TO GRAB THIS OPPORTUNITY for your child. 

If I do not hear from you, this opportunity will go to another child.  There are a LIMITED NUMBER OF SPONSORED slots.

I will contact RIVER CITY MAGIC CAMP and they will reach out to you for more info.  They will need your child’s t-shirt size, age, etc.  (please note: your child is NOT REGISTERED and CANNOT ATTEND until the form they send you is filled out, digitally signed, and submitted).


THANK YOU for making SURE your kid doesn’t miss this chance to become even “more” magical, and have some fun!


Principal Casteel – Harlan Elementary School