Alabama Academy of Magic Helping grow amazing kids into even more amazing adults.

Magic Camp – Partner Checklist

Thank you for being our partner bringing this magical event to life for your kids!

It’s going to be AMAZING!

To make MAGIC CAMP run smoothly, please make sure ALL items are done before MAGIC CAMP week.

This will insure your kids have the BEST possible experience!

Magic Camp Checklist – Item 1 – please confirm that there are no conflicts with the dates and the space (gym or cafeteria) we’ll be using for MAGIC CAMP. Please double check this with your school administration.

Magic Camp Checklist – Item 2 – please CONFIRM THE DATES WITH STEVE’S EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT – Pamela. You can email her at

Magic Camp Checklist – Item 3 – please make sure we have a ROSTER FOR EACH GROUP OF CAMPERS.

We need FIRST NAME of camper.

We need LAST NAME (or initial) of camper.

We need T-shirt SIZE for each camper. (your choices are Adult Large, Adult Medium, Youth Large, or Youth Medium).

Magic Camp Checklist Item 4 – please make sure we have a – ROSTER OF ALL TEACHERS – that will be working magic camp with us.

We need teacher’s FIRST NAME.

We need teacher’s LAST NAME.

We need T-shirt SIZE for each teacher (we provide – up to 8 – I TEACH MAGIC t-shirts for your teachers.  Available sizes are: Adult Large, Adult Medium, Adult Small).

Magic Camp Checklist Item 5 – please make sure you provide the following – INVOICE INFORMATION – to Pamela Lewerenz (Steve’s Executive Assistant)

Name and address to use on the INVOICE.

NAME + PHONE NUMBER + E-MAIL of person at office responsible for cutting the check.

Magic Camp Checklist Item 6 – please confirm that a CHECK FOR FULL AMOUNT HAS BEEN CUT and is ready to present on the first day of camp.

Checks should be written to CONCRETE DREAM INC. Our EIN is 26-0606106

Magic Camp Checklist Item 7 – please make sure you PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING – ADDITIONAL – INFORMATION TO PAMELA – as well.

SITE CONTACT – Who will our team be working with to make decisions?



SITE ADDRESS – where are we creating MAGIC CAMP?

WHAT ROOM are we in?
