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Rocket Booster Fossil Fuels – Earth Day…

Happy EARTH DAY – 2022 – (april 22) EVERYONE!

Personally, I’m super-duper-thankful for the wild-cat industry titans that discovered, built, developed, packaged, marketed, sold, created infrastructure, and markets for carbon based fossil fuels in the 20th and 21st centuries.

We are ALL better off for it.

Humanity has been able to use gas, coal, and oil (carbon-based fuels) to do some pretty amazing things: double the amount of food produced per hectacre, design and build homes that control light and temperature, communicate across continents, we’ve even been able to use that power to travel outside our own biosphere!

Did you get that?

We can leave the Earth and actually travel in space… thanks to fossil fuels!

That’s pretty amazing. It really has been a remarkable ride for us humans. But, just like the solid rocket fuel booster that’s abandoned after it lifts the rocket off the launch pad, it may be time to jettison fossil fuel energy for a better kind of energy. It may be time to start using energy that is renewable, sustainable, and creates no pollution.

Unfortunately, fossil fuels are none of these.

All fossil fuels take millions of years to make, can be burned only once, and when burned pollute the environment. The cool thing is, fossil fuel’s actually birthed our ability to harvest and use OTHER forms of energy that ACTUALLY ARE renewable.

They helped us get where we are. They helped us to get to the moment where we actually CAN BE sustainable. Fossil fuels are like a rocket booster that’s gotten us into space and now it’s time for solar, hydro, wind, geothermal, hydrogen, bio-fuels (and I believe many many – yet undiscovered energy technologies – that are renewable and create no pollution) to power humanity into our exciting future.

I “tip my hat” to you fossil fuels, we needed the AMAZINGLY POWERFUL energy boost only you could give us, and we thank you for it.

But now it’s time we disengage from your solid rocket booster (for if we don’t release it… it becomes a drag) and take the forward momentum you gave us and move on to the next chapter in our human adventure.

I believe this next phase of our flight, our adventure, is sustainable, renewable, and pollution free.

Written by Steve Trash